Monday, October 17, 2016

1.  My first thoughts on Nick Brandt's pictures was amaze because his pictures of these wild animals were crazy good and he was close to these animals that could easily hurt him. I think what the photographer misdoing is awesome and I think if I ever had the chance to take pictures of wild animals it would be amazing experience.


3. This picture is a lion resting in the shade by a leaning tree, and the reason why I like it is because the lion looks so peaceful and the tree looks very cool and crazy looking.

4. some rules of photography used in this photo are framing, rule of thirds and balance 

5. the type of camera Nick uses and lenses he uses are  pentax 6711 and zoom lenses which helps him capture the animals from a safe distance and also capture great shots.

6. The reason why he takes these pictures is keep these animal non endangered and keep theses animals alive.

7. Nick hopes to photograph the last remains of places that were destroyed by humans and photograph the animals in the surrounding areas.

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