Friday, February 24, 2017

lone star dispatch #4

A2- AISD begins search for principle to take on permanent position.

 Bowie high school has been looking for a new principle to take a permanent position at bowie to be the head principle. The process in finding a new principle will take at least 3 months. The school board will interview multiple candidates and decide on one. Susan Leos has taken the position as temporary principle for this year.
who? A new principle
what? a principle
when? by the end of the year
where? Bowie High school
why? Bowie doesn't have a official principle.
how? Interviewing possible candidates.

A7- High schoolers can fall in love.

This article is about high schoolers falling in love and if that is true or not that high schoolers can understand true love. High schoolers go through many faces in there life and so thats why people believe high schoolers are too young and not mature enough to understand real love. Many people believe high schoolers can or do fall in love but this can be because perhaps a students feels true love because they have never had someone give them this attention.
who? high schoolers
what? falling in love
when? high school years
where? high school (bowie)
why? they have the urge to fall in love because there bodies work that way
how? they fins a mate

B3- Inherit fortunes with netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

this article is about the new show on Netflix that is about the book a series of unfortunate events with stars Neil Patrick Harris as count Olaf. The show is a reboot of the movie that came out with Jim Carrey portraying count Olaf. the Netflix show has more of a happier child friendly take on the book unlike the previous movie.
who? Netflix
what? series of unfortunate events
when?now on netflix
where?Netflix tv
why? to entertain
how?the show is streaming on Netflix for Netflix users to watch

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